
SpeedDater at DatingNews!

At SpeedDater we want to help you find love in every way possible! We chatted to DatingNews.com to discuss all things Speed Dating and why SpeedDater is the company for you to help you find 'the one' in the wake of offline dating and meeting people 'in the flesh'! Follow the link and read the short article, whereby our Events Manager Lissy chats about the differences between SpeedDater and other generic Speed Dating companies, including some of our exciting activity dating events! Check the article!  
Dating tips
11 Sep 2023

Love Yourself First

As we all know, dating fatigue is REAL. The endless disappointment, the constant guessing games and the feeling of rejection are all hard pills to swallow. This is my reminder to you all to go easy on yourselves, know that everyone is in the same boat and understand what it is you want from someone before embarking on your dating journey. People often say to me it’s ‘ironic’ that you are single doing the job that you do. My response has and will always be the same. I know what I want and I haven't found it yet. It’s simple, I love my own time and have really learnt how to embrace being ‘alone’. As the famous saying goes “It’s Much Better To Be Alone Than To Be With Someone Who Makes You Feel Lonely”. So here are my top tips for you: Take dating sabbaticalsThis is important when you are dating to take small breaks when you feel overwhelmed or deflated. Take a step back and reevaluate. Spend more time with friends, doing hobbies you love or even date yourself for a little while! Time out is important and it helps to put you back in a positive mindset and come back with a fresh approach. Take yourself for date nightsNow this is key for me personally. Learn how to date yourself, go out for dinner alone, to coffee shops, walks in the park. Learn how to do everything you love doing with someone, alone. I promise it helps. I understand at first you may feel lonely of uncomfortable, but once you get used to it there really is no better feeling than finding peace with spending time alone Know what you want and don’t settleThis is hard for some people I know. Understanding what we want from another person is difficult to navigate. 9 times out of 10 as well we don't always tend to make the best choices for ourselves. Spend time to figure out what’s important to you. Your morals, your values and the qualities you look for in a partner and stay strong to them when you are dating. Take the pressure offDon’t put pressure on yourself when you are on your dating journey and certainly don’t listen to society and these ridiculous ( yes ridiculous) ideals that you should be somewhere by a certain age. Dating can be fun and it should be such a wonderful experience meeting new people. Don’t make it a chore and when it starts to feel like that then it's time for one of those dating sabbatical.  Dating practiceThis is where speed dating comes in, it's great for dating practice. It helps to build up confidence in meeting new people. Helping with social skills and having lots of different conversations with people also helps you find out a lot about what you are searching for in a partner. Learn to be ghosted/blocked and when to let goI think this headline could have a whole blog to itself, I have so much to say about it. It's certainly the hardest part of dating I think. I'll be honest, this one took me a while to navigate but what i’ve learnt to be the most important thing is know when to let go. I know sometimes we want that closure or to understand what we “did wrong”. Sending lengthy paragraphs to make the other person know you are hurt doesn't often help. It's important to know when to walk away and move on. I know it's SO much easier said than done. But learning how to master this helped me so much as when it happens to me now I feel like I can cope with the rejection. It's a hard skill to learn and it takes time and patience and a lot of work on yourself. Know how to make yourself happy And finally knowing how to make yourself happy is the most important in my eyes. You should never rely on someone else to make you happy, it should always come from within yourself. Once you learn this no one can take it away from you. People can come and go from your life and add to your happiness but never be the main provider of it. This will bring you so much peace and help you on your dating journey. Big Love Sarah    
Dating tips
25 Aug 2023

Navigating the Love Boat: 5 Tips for Finding Your 'Happily Ever After' Co-Captain

Ahoy there, fellow love explorers! 🚒 Ready to set sail on the dating seas with a one-way ticket to Marriage Island? πŸŒ΄πŸŽ‰ Well, grab your compass and treasure map because we've got five key tips to help you find a partner you'll want to share your loot and your life!    1. X Marks the Spot: Define Your Love Treasure:Before you even think about boarding the ship of love, it's time to get real about your own heart's desires. What are your life goals? Do you dream of a cozy cabin with a white picket fence or more of a globe-trotting escapade? Chart your own course before searching for a fellow adventurer who wants to join you on your journey.    2. Compatibility Island: Find Your Mate-Mate:Sure, sparks are great, but you know what's even better? Find someone whose sparklers match your own! Look for that special someone whose quirks, dreams, and Netflix binges align with yours. From binge-watching shark documentaries to conquering mountains together, shared interests can make the voyage of love even more rewarding.    3. Walkie-Talkie Romance: Set Sail with Clear Communication:If you're serious about finding your 'matey' for life, it's time to chat like pirates discussing their next treasure heist. Talk about your dreams, fears, and whether you're more of a chocolate cake or ice cream person. Open dialogue is the compass that'll guide your ship through calm waters and stormy seas.    4. Anchors Aweigh – Take It Slow:Arr matey, don't go throwing yourself overboard into the sea of commitment just yet! Take your time to explore all the nooks and crannies of your potential partner's personality. From taco Tuesday to tackling escape rooms, see how well you sail together before deciding if you're ready to navigate the same waters for life.    5. Trust Your Pirate Instincts:Avast, ye! Your gut feelings are like your ship's crow's nest – they give you a bird's-eye view of what's ahead. Listen to those inner hunches. If you're spotting too many metaphorical icebergs, it might be time to alter course. And if your heart is shouting, "All hands on deck!" – well, trust that too. To wrap it up, finding a partner to sail the seas of life with is no small feat. It's a treasure hunt full of twists and turns, but with your spirit, a dash of compatibility, clear communication, a leisurely pace, and trust in your heart's compass, you're bound to find someone who's ready to be your co-captain for the adventure of a lifetime. So hoist the sail of hope and set course for 'Happily Ever After' – your love story awaits! πŸŒŠβ€οΈπŸ—ΊοΈ
Dating tips
22 Aug 2023

How to Get the Most From Your Date Night

How to Get the Most From Your Date Night At SpeedDater we want you to have the best date night possible! With this in mind, we’ve curated a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your evening and out of the SpeedDater platform.  1. Come with an open mindDon’t enter your date night evening with rigid expectations. You might not fall in love with a supermodel or Prince Charming after just one night… You could, however, meet an array of lovely single people who are interesting, have their hearts in the right place, and are dedicated to finding something REAL. Free from the swiping smoke and mirrors, our events are for people who are excited about new connections and new conversations, regardless of the outcome. You may meet a new wingman to drag you out to the pub on a Friday afternoon or form a single girls club and celebrate single life. The possibilities are ENDLESS!  2. Dress to impressFirst impressions are key to getting the most from your date night with us. Remember it takes just 4 minutes for your brain to decide if you like someone. I’m not saying ‘suit and tie’ kind of effort. Smart/casual is a grand place to position yourself. My personal pro tip for the ladies: A little bit of lippy goes a long way! MAC - Velvet Teddy is a superb colour, not too out there but still sultry. Fellas, get a nice pair of jeans that FIT! Not washed out and stretched at the knees. You should be able to fit just two fingers between your jeans and the waistband… The slim tapered style is usually the cure for most of your fashion woes. Thank me later!  3. Hotmail and SpeedDater aren’t a match made in heaven…If you have an alternative email, please use this when booking an event or setting up your SpeedDater profile. Often our emails are either in your junk or stand you up altogether. If you don’t have an alternative email address we encourage Hotmail users to include their mobile number when signing up as we don’t want you to miss out on any important information!  4. Always on time (Ashanti and Ja Rule vibes implied)It’s pretty simple really. Registration starts at either 7 PM or 7:30 PM. You’ll find these details on the event listing and in your event reminder notifications. Make sure you know where the venue is located ahead of time and allow for travel. If you’re running late or cannot make the event, please let us know either through social media (Instagram @speeddaterevents or Facebook - SpeedDater Events) or via our customer service team (admin@speeddater.co.uk) as ratios are VITAL to us.  5. Make sure you enter your ticksThe day after your event you NEED to log in to the SpeedDater website at around 11 AM and tick either yes or no. This step is crucial as it gives the attendees a clear indication of who they made connections with and NOBODY wants to be left in a state of limbo. If there wasn’t anyone you hit it off with, that’s fine! Ticking no to the guests will generate a free event for you to use at your discretion and try your luck at love again! Now you’ve successfully read through this date night preparation briefing you’re well and truly ready for date night with SpeedDater! We do hope this helps you get the most from your next event. Remember dating should be fun! Please do enjoy yourself. We look forward to welcoming you at our next event!  
Dating tips
26 Jul 2023

8 Things to Avoid on a First Date

We find ourselves in an age of green and red flags qualifying and disqualifying potential dates before we really know them. Before we have uncovered what past experience and personality traits truly shape their behaviour. Trying to overcome shallow ‘icks’ that really aren’t harming you. in the endless pursuit of finding the perfect partner.  It's bubble-bursting time! “It was love at first sight,” or, “By the time our first date ended, I knew I just met the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with” are both super cliche sentiments. Honestly, neither are likely scenarios for the average person. It is far more likely to hear how one person did something annoying, embarrassing, or icky to immediately preclude them from a second date. People are so cutthroat these days! The interesting thing is how often they try and claw things back with “It’s a shame because he seemed so nice,” or “I was really into her before that happened,” or “I was having a great time but that just ruined it for me.” Judgment is sometimes used as a tool to protect our heart, whether the threat is real or not. It's unfortunate that it really doesn't take much to turn someone off. Here are 8 things to avoid on the first date that will help you to nail that second one! Don't dismiss them because they're not your 'type." Put aside your "must haves" or "dealbreakers" list because most people will not meet your criteria on the first date. Your criteria in fact may not equal compatibility. The average person doesn't even know what is good for them. Humans are imperfect and you can't take a grocery list approach to dating. Be curious, step outside your type. Don't talk about yourself endlessly. Trying to prove how great you are just comes across as gross self-importance. Be inquisitive about your date. Ask questions and follow-up questions to get a better understanding of your date. The ideal date feels like a dialogue, not a monologue. Don't be late. If you have a forgiving date (like I did) then this may not be the end of the world but being late makes for a terrible first impression! If it cannot be avoided, give them a heads-up text with an apology and apologize again when you arrive.  Don’t check your phone. Pretty self-explanatory. It’s rude. It’s non-essential. It’s a distraction and it will make you miss important information about your date. The online world can spare your attention for a couple of hours but your date cannot! Don’t have too much liquid courage. On the first date, you need your inhibitions for a multitude of reasons. For safety purposes, for first impression purposes, and to take in the information and remember how this date unfolded and the things you liked/disliked about your date.  Avoid self-deprecating humor. If you put out into the world that you are not okay, secure, or happy with who you are, how do you expect someone else to see you as someone worthy of their love attention, and energy? It is also not your partner’s job to build you up 24/7. If you’re constantly trying to break the ice by making digs at yourself this will scare people off before they’ve had the chance to get to know you. Don’t talk about your ex’s. There will be plenty of time to drag out the skeletons from their respective closets. The first couple of dates is not the place or time to do this. If you’re serious about moving forward and hopeful about the future, LEAVE THE PAST IN THE PAST.  Don’t lecture your date on your beliefs Your religion is YOUR religion. Your fears are YOUR fears. Your political party is YOUR political party. Your date doesn’t need to be converted. In fact, your date will probably run a mile if you start trying to push any agenda even if your intention is to ‘save them’ or be ‘right.’ Being mindful of how you interact on a date, is a wonderful way to improve your dating experience and build up your confidence when interacting with new romantic interests. Take the time after you go on a date to decompress and evaluate yourself. If you feel up to it you could ask your date how they felt it went. Feedback is great! Failing that, these 8 things to avoid on a first date will help keep you on track for a second.  
Dating tips
20 Jul 2023

Dr Lori Beth Bisbey dishes out the delectable details on building intimacy.

What is the most important ingredient to cook up a divine level of intimacy? Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey (Psychologist, Sex & Intimacy Coach,Therapist, Author, Speaker, Resident Specialist Relationship Therapist on Open House: The Great Sex Experiment, Channel 4,) dishes out the delectable details of what impacts our relationships behind the bedroom doors.
Dating tips
20 Jul 2023

Spoilt with single-life tips from Single Girls Club founder, Chantelle Dyson!

Sarah Payne is back with another illuminating episode of the SpeedDater Podcast. This time she is joined by certified Life Coach and founder of the Single Girls Club, Chantelle Dyson. For over 8 years, Chantelle has helped people build their confidence, and achieve their goals in life, education, and love. ​As a Love + Life coach, she helps ladies learn their worth, overcome the many challenges women face, and feel empowered through her courses and thriving singles community. Tune in for important advice on navigating single life!
Dating tips
17 Jul 2023

Ditching dating fatigue with Dating Coach Laura Buckley

WOW! We’re up to Episode 10 already? Time flies when you’re having fun! This episode of the SpeedDater Podcast is all about dating fatigue! What is ‘dating fatigue’  and why do we get it? How can we maintain a positive vibe when meeting person after person? All will be answered thanks to our special guest. Sarah Payne, our SpeedDater Events Manager, is joined by the lovely Laura Buckley expert Matchmaker, accredited Dating Coach & Founder of Secret Alchemy - a matchmaking and coaching service aimed at putting the fun back into dating!
Dating tips
17 Jul 2023

25 YEARS of dating industry expertise for your ears! Sarah chats to professional matchmaker, Alex Mellor-Brooks.

Dating sure has evolved over the last quarter century and our special guest has seen it all! Alex Mellor-Brooks is the Co-Founder of Select Personal Introductions, a matchmaking agency for professionals, celebrities, and entrepreneurs based in the UK. The pair discuss how the dating landscape has changed over the years and what people should consider when looking for a serious romantic partner.
Dating tips
17 Jul 2023

Sarah & Dating Coach - Sebastian Jozwik chat about the struggles men face dating.

Sarah Payne is joined by Dating Coach - Sebastian Jozwik from Leading Man Attraction. Sebastian is a world-renowned dating coach who's helped countless men from all corners of the world transform their dating lives! His goal is to help men who are struggling in their dating lives to increase their confidence & charisma. Sebastian talks about his own personal journey of overcoming insecurities and anxieties with dating and offers handy tips for men who may find talking to a woman an overwhelming experience.

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Dating ideas

Best Outdoor Summer Date Ideas

Outdoor dates provide the ideal opportunity to relax and appreciate the present. Taking a trip with your companion and holding on tight to their hand is one thing; rollerblading with them when the sun shines, the wind blows through your hair, and the road under your feet is another. We become more open and intensely acquainted with one another as we have those exhilarating experiences. Maybe it’s the brightness, or the vitamin D, or the rainy-day kisses, or simply the lovely summer clothes. Something about alfresco dating strikes a chord with people, and you leave with a smile on your face and a sense of well-being. Summer is in full swing, the sun is up, and pieces of clothes have been reduced to crop tops and flip flops. Summer is a great season to spend time with the one you love since there are many ways to do it. Take a look at these summer date activities to keep the romance alive and the chemistry strong in your relationship. Movies at Drive-in Theatres Most people go to the movies in the summertime to relax and unwind, but on cool summer nights, a movie at a drive-in theatre can be a lovely and enjoyable experience. Watching a movie beneath the stars while nibbling on some movie munchies is one of the best ways to unwind. Keep some additional jackets and covers on hand if your date becomes too cold. There’s no happier place for a summer date than a drive-in theatre. If you don’t live near a drive-in, many communities show movies in open areas when the weather permits. Get Your Taste Buds Ready With a Wine Tasting Class It’s worth the drive to a local vineyard if one is close. It’s hard to find a better way to bring a couple together than with a delicious spread of food and wine. You may visit a local winery or vineyard, or you can have it delivered right to your door. Visiting a vineyard is the perfect way to spend a day: you’ll be able to take in the beautiful scenery, sample some delicious food, and maybe even learn a little bit about your favourite drink. Wine tasting is certain to lift your spirits and is also convenient since you can easily take a bottle home to recreate the moment. Go to an Amusement Park Visit a playground with your partner to demonstrate your adventurous side and your fun-loving character. There is no doubt that if you’re a thrill-seeker, a date like this will have your heart racing with a potential future partner. Even if roller coasters and terrifying attractions may not be your favourite, don’t fail to notice that there are parks that cater to a younger generation that are just as enjoyable. The day at the park provides plenty to choose from, whether you’re an adrenaline junkie or prefer the Ferris wheel. Make careful to check ahead of time since some of the more famous parks may demand pre-purchased tickets. Visit a Local Farmers’ Market A visit to a farmers’ market is another excellent option for an outdoor date that will make a lasting impression on both of you. If you’re interested in learning more about a variety of foods, this is a great opportunity to taste a variety of options. You’ll be able to tell whether you like each other more if you know what the other person likes to eat. Pick up some lunchtime delicacies and a bouquet of flowers for your weekend date from a nearby market. You may also get some fresh vegetables for supper that night. Go on a Hike The next time you search for a date idea, consider taking a trek together on a nearby path. With this activity, you and your partner can appreciate the beautiful scenery while getting to know one other healthily. Hiking also provides a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and share your experiences with them as you go over the terrain to immerse yourself in nature. Once you’ve reached the summit, you’ll enjoy sharing the breathtaking view with your loved one. Embark on a Road Trip You don’t need a vacation abroad to feel like you’re in summer, even if your dream trip to Spain or Germany has been put on hold. It would be best to visit galleries, historical attractions, and stores in a neighbouring town you have never been to. If at all possible, get a hotel room and extend your stay. In the end, it doesn’t matter where you end up. Your road trip music and stopping at several roadside sights are more significant than your destination. Take a journey to a destination neither of you has ever been before to bring out your inner explorer. Make a schedule of food and pastimes to enjoy yourself as if you were on vacation. Prepare a Picnic The benefit of a peaceful gathering such as a park picnic should never be underestimated. These dates make it possible for profound personal attachment and the basis of a great relationship. Picnic food is great, even if it isn’t the most creative summer date idea. Fresh fruit, yoghurt, fresh toast, and a nice bottle of white wine are just a few of the items we’d recommend you include in your feast. Enjoy the Outdoors By Going Camping You’ve got the hang of strolling now. You’ve completed the road trip and honed your hiking technique to a fine art. What comes next? A romantic getaway in the woods where you may spend the night cuddled up in your tents, sipping hot chocolate or coffee, is a great idea for a first date. Even if you don’t believe camping is for you, there are many ways to enjoy the outdoors this summer. Alternatively, you may set up camp in your garden for several hours and enjoy hot cocoa, cuddles, and a nice chat. Roasting marshmallows over a campfire helps a lot. Attend a Cooking Class/Workshop You and your significant other will have a great time together in a culinary class, even if you make pasta by hand or churn frozen yoghurt. Feeling pleased after doing something releases adrenaline. When you do this with your relationship, your brain makes the fantastic link between your significant other and those pleasant sensations. In addition to in-person programs offered by local eateries and cooking schools, you may also leverage the power of a broad range of online lessons. Try an Open-Air Fitness Class A romantic connection’s mental and physical health is enhanced when partners engage in physical exercise together. Endorphins and greater physical health work together to make people feel good about themselves and their relationships, which is a valuable asset in any romantic connection. Join a companion for an outside exercise and enjoy the nice weather. Enrol in a water exercise class or take up a new sport such as yoga or canoeing to take advantage of the mild weather while it lasts. Conclusion Are you sick of sitting home and watching Netflix? To spice things up a little, try one of these unique summer date ideas that inject some new life into your dating life. Summer dates are generally cheap or even free, which is one of the finest aspects of the season. You don’t have to restrict yourself to a love partner to test things out; you may also do them with your relatives and friends. When searching for a relaxed date or something a little more exciting, these summer date ideas are guaranteed to make a lasting impression.

Meet your SpeedDater singles events team

Let us introduce the SpeedDater team. We're fun and friendly with loads of personality - just like our guests. We have more experience than any other company in the singles events industry, so we're proud to bring you the best speed dating events and singles parties in the UK. We'll make sure your event is professionally run and we'll be on hand to answer any questions or even give out a few dating tips. Our years of experience understands that your first point of contact should be welcoming, approachable and put you at ease. Hell, we'll even have a drink with you (no tequila please!). Happy dating! Sophie My name is Sophie. I was working as a host for SpeedDaterUK only a few months and then became an event coordinator, which I am very pleased about. I have always wanted to be Cilla Black! In my spare time I like to go to see improv shows and sometimes have a go myself!        
Dating tips

Speed dating tips from the experts!

Smile It's natural to arrive a little nervous to a speed dating event, particularly if you have never been speed dating before and don't know what to expect. Trust me, after the first speeddate or two (and after the first drink or two!) you will realise it's a really fun and easy going singles event with other friendly singles. Everyone is in the same boat – they want to meet new people just like you for friendship and dating. So, relax and smile. There is a famous saying that goes "smile and world smiles with you". This may seem like really obvious dating advice but this really is the most helpful of all tips for speed dating! You’ll be surprised how often guests say “I liked so and so but they were a bit serious about it all”. Singles who are smiling and laughing give off positive energy and attract others towards them. Dating nights are fun, so always go with an open mind and a big smile.   Speed dating questions - avoid work! One of the best dating tips I give guests is to avoid talking about work too much at singles nights. Got a normal professional job? So will 99.9% of the rest of the room. Unless you’ve got a job as a lion tamer or professional champagne/bacon taster, it’s best to leave out the details of what makes you similar to every other person in the room. Although it’s nice to hear what people do to get a sort of background picture, don’t spend your precious 4 minute speeddate explaining how you’ve just taken on a new really complex finance modeling system which is bound to boggle and bore your date. You want to be memorable and have 4 minutes fly by and leave your date wanting more. You don’t want your date to feel like time stood still while they cry on the inside. It’s more interesting to find out what people do when they’re not at work. Super keen to travel through South America? Like spending Sundays pottering around vintage markets? Ever eaten so much pizza that you threw up on the tube? Great, it’s more interesting than your day job. We are not matchmakers at Meetusoon, so it’s up to you to use your time wisely and find out what you have in common. It’s important to not come with a scripted set of speed dating questions, but it never hurts to have a couple up your sleeve in case conversation dries up * I have never thrown up on the tube by the way, just saying.   What to wear speed dating The best dating advice I can give any single men or single women is to dress to impress. Dress as if you were going on a first date. After all, you are going on 8-20 first dates all in one night! First impressions really count at speed dating and singles parties. It’s better to be a bit overdressed than underdressed. At Meetusoon, we choose stylish singles events venues, and we recommend dressing in line with the venues guidelines. Some request no denim, it’s best to check each venue policy before attending. At lot of single professionals come straight from work so are in smart suits and dresses. What to wear speed dating women – a nice dress and heels is a great option, but also make sure you are comfortable too. Don’t be afraid to wear a statement necklace or brightly coloured accessory to stand out and be memorable. What to wear speed dating men – nice shoes, smart jeans and tailored collared shirt is always a wining combo! Think that noone ever notices shoes? Ladies do. Trust me.   Don’t just talk about yourself “Me me me me me me me me m–“ LOUD BELL RINGING! Talking about yourself non-stop for 4 minutes is not ok. Make sure you listen too, it’s always key in any strong relationship.   Speed dating tips for women Ladies, I’ve been there myself and the following speed dating tips for ladies are essential: Come with an open mind Make sure you are sitting down before you read this next sentence: you probably won’t meet Ryan Gosling or George Clooney at your singles event. Sorry! You will however meet new people who aren’t in your normal circle. Give the single guys a chance, even if they are not your ‘typical’ guy you go for. Maybe your ‘type’ isn’t working out for you? Make new friends You can never have too many friends right? So don’t be afraid to find a new gig buddy or jogging partner. Get your mates to meet his mates out for an after work drink and bam – his single work friend is right up your street. I also hear ladies swapping details with other ladies sat near by. Why? Sometimes all your mates are getting married/having babies and you just need some more wingwomen. I once had a guy secure a job interview during a speeddate. Network ladies, network! Don’t get too pissed Nobody likes a pretty girl with a foul drunken pirate mouth. It’s easy to knock back a couple of cocktails as dutch courage but don’t overdo it. Especially if you’re coming straight from work on an empty stomach. I once saw a girl vomit during her last speeddate. True story! It wasn’t sexy. Or funny. Try more than one speed dating event Singles nights are a numbers game. Sometimes you fancy 1 guy, sometimes you fancy 4 guys and sometimes you don’t fancy anyone. If you don’t fancy anyone you can come again for free speed dating under the guarantee we offer. Try a few singles events to increase your chances of finding your perfect match. Around 80% of singles get at least one match, and while these are good odds, remember that for 20% of guests it just wasn’t their night. The largest dating night we do is the singles parties format. Our singles party nights get up to 300 guests. Don’t be afraid to come to a singles night on your own Lots of guests come to dating events and singles parties on their own. Singles events are absolutely a great ladies night out. It’s great having moral support from your bestie, but you do risk chatting to your friend and not getting out of your comfort zone. Also consider being split up from your friends when the speed dating starts. Let’s say you are a group of 6 work colleagues on a single girls night out. If you are all sat in a row guys will be a) slightly intimidated by such a big group and b) possibly a bit bored by everyone having the same job and hearing bits in advance about their next date. So, consider 3 groups of 2 spread out. Just ask your host for more layout speed dating tips on arrival. If you are attending a singles night on your own, join up with a group of single women at bar so you can have a bit of a gossip before the speed dating kicks off.   Speed dating tips for men Take heed of the following speed dating tips for men: Book your singles event ticket in advance Single women tend to book in advance, and single men often leave booking dating events to the last minute. Spontaneous you say? Here’s how booking last minute actually leads to imbalanced singles events. If ladies places are sold out, this often means there are women on the waiting list, but we need more guys to book first. If you leave your booking till on the day, when we contact the waitlist they have made other plans or it’s too late notice. Basically, the earlier you book, the more single women you will meet. Network Most guys arrive on their own to dating nights, which is totally fine. You are there to meet single women after all and can hang out with the lads anytime. As soon as you sign in with your host at the singles event, join one of the other guys at the bar and say hi. Single ladies love seeing guys chatting and having a laugh before the event starts. It makes you seem friendly and approachable. As most ladies arrive in a pair, you then have nice equal numbers to join up before/after the dating event. When you are asked ‘how do you two know each other’ you can say you just met randomly that night which proves you are a really social, friendly person. It’s a big deal for single women to introduce potential boyfriends to their friends. If she can see you can hold your own with strangers then you’ve got a little tick instantly. Contact your friendship and dating matches Ladies are far more conservative than guys on the ticking front. If they are a bit unsure they sometimes tick ‘friend’ instead of ‘date’. This is why guys tend to get less love match ticks than women. Get in touch anyway, it could still be worth meeting up, or getting a group of mates together for a low pressure night out and see what happens. Move on promptly between dates There is usually at least 1 minute between each speeddate. This gives singles enough time to wrap up the conversation and write down badge numbers/names. Don’t just talk through the 1 minute, or you won’t have time to write anything down. Even if you really really really like your date you still need to move on anyway. It is called SPEED dating for a reason – they dates are deliberately short. Will that extra 30 seconds really win her over? Probably not. But it will annoy the lady next to her who is sat on her own waiting, the guy behind you who is wishing you’d hurry up and your host who is trying to keep the dates even/keep a smooth flowing format. Remember to step away from the table so your date can have some privacy to fill out her scorecard too. It’s even more important at singles parties to move promptly, as the speed dating is done in short 30-40 min sessions. You will not meet every person in the singles party session, you just meet as many as possible in 30-40 mins. So, the quicker you move, the more people you will meet at singles parties. Think of this as speed dating etiquette for gentlemanly single men. Sell yourself What makes you stand out? What makes you memorable? Remember there are up to 20 other single guys to compete against so you want a bit of banter to keep things light. Women love funny men - make her laugh and she’s yours.   Speed dating questions Speed dating is great fun, but what do you ask your dates? With only 3-5 minutes per date, it’s important to use your time wisely and find out what you have in common. Trust our years of experience in the speed dating game and have a peek at our guide below for bad and good speed dating questions to ask your dates. Never come with a scripted set of speed dating questions, but feel free to memorise a few in case conversation dries up. Remember to talk as much as you listen and ensure the conversation is balanced. Don’t talk about yourself too much! First impressions count, so look the part as well as talking the part. The best speed dating questions in the world won’t save you if you wear tracksuit pants speed dating. Dating Advice Good Speed Dating Questions and Topics The best topics to talk about are those which are leading – give your dates a chance to open up rather than give a yes/no response. Find out what interests you share and keep it light. We don’t want to get too serious for an introduction date, so banter and humour are a must.   SpeedDater’s Top 40 Speed Dating Questions Background speed dating questions Where did you grow up? Got any brothers and sisters? Got any pets? Are you a morning or night person? What’s your favourite season of the year? How would your best mate describe you? Speed dating questions about travel Where was the last place you travelled to? Do you prefer city breaks, active breaks or sunshine and beaches? Where is the next place you plan to visit? Do you like Belgium breaks or would you rather go abroad? Speed dating questions about your date’s interests What do you like doing when you aren’t at work? What are you most passionate about? Do you like being active or prefer quality time on the sofa? What do you like doing on a Sunday? Made plans for this weekend? Speed dating questions about your date’s aspirations What did you want to be when you were younger? What do you look for in a relationship? If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be Speed dating questions to ask your date about music/movies/TV What was the last gig you went to? What kind of music are you into? If you could see anyone perform live who would it be? Seen any good films lately? What sort of film genre is your favourite? What are your favourite films? Got any weird celebrities crushes? Do people tell you that you look like someone famous? Watching any good TV series at the moment? Read any good books lately? Food/drink speed dating questions What’s your favourite tipple? What would your 'last meal' be? Do you like to cook? If yes what's your 'signature dish'? If you could only eat one style of food for the rest of your life what would it be? (Italian/Thai etc) What’s your favourite sandwich filling? What’s a good restaurant you’ve been to in the last month? Are you are starter and main or main and desert person? Random speed dating questions What 3 items could you never live without? Have you got any unusual party tricks? What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Would you rather x or y?   Dating Advice Speed Dating Questions and Topics to Avoid Work It’s ok to get the basics but don’t waste your precious 4 minutes talking non-stop about work. Exes If you’re talking about your ex it means there are still unresolved feelings there. Religion/politics Too intense for first time you meet someone, save it for later. Money No one likes when people brag about money. Also don’t ever ask how much someone earns, it’s none of your business! Cricket Do I need to explain this one? Cricket is dull. Marriage/kids It’s important to know you are on the same page, but discussing it in the first 4 minutes is a bit much. Keep things lighter.   Anyone can talk for a few minutes, honestly. If you haven’t been before, the fear of the unknown is what makes people nervous. Will I be the only one there? Will everyone be weird? Will it be hard to make conversation? No, no, and no. A few dates in you will see how friendly people are and how easy a 4 minute conversation is. Every event I host has guests say it’s much easier/more fun than they thought it would be and they wonder what they were worried about. These topics are also great to use as first date questions. Relax, smile and have fun speed daters!   I hope you’ve enjoyed my dating tips and I hope to meet you at a speed dating singles night, singles activity dating event or lock and key party soon. Happy dating – enjoy yourself Speedaters!

What Is Speed Dating and How Does It Work?

Speed dating is the most popular type of singles event! Speed dating is the perfect way to meet lots of new people in just one night. The format involves a series of 3-4 minute dates with up to 20 single professionals. We recommend coming with an open mind and a smile! Busy lives result in the need for affordable, fun, safe and time savvy ways to meet like-minded people. SpeedDater launched way back in 2002 and is the leader in the UK singles events market. What Is Speed Dating and How Does It Work?SpeedDater launched in 2002, leading the UK singles events market. The aim of SpeedDater Events is to provide singles with an opportunity to meet a room full of new people in just one night. So what is a speed dating event? The format is as follows; the guests will have 4-5 minute dates with up to 12 other single men and women. There will be a host at the event who will sign you in and badge you, they will also explain how the evening will run if you’re new and unsure. Your badge will match one of the tables in the room and usually apart from Gay, Lesbian and activity events, the men will rotate and the women will stay seated. How Does Speed Dating Work?What is speed dating and how does it work? You may still be wondering...You will be given a score card which is how you log your dates in the evening, and then after the event, simply log in with your username and password and log who you liked. Once you have entered this, you will be able to see if anyone has matched you. It is FREE to send messages to your matches. However, if you didn’t match or like anyone from the event, you can request another free event! Now that doesn’t sound too bad does it?! We hope that our definition of speed dating matches what you think, and will encourage you to get booking onto our events! You may be thinking, well who actually goes speed dating? Well any single person who is interested in meeting new people and potentially finding someone. You need to come with an open mind, you never know who you could meet at one of our speed dating events. Everyone is at the speed dating event for the same reason; to meet new people, expand their social circle and potentially meet someone special. SpeedDater provides a relaxed environment where everyone can meet everyone and you won’t have to feel like you’re the only single person there… because everyone will be single! Worried you won’t be able to attend an event because you don’t live in London? Well...SpeedDater doesn’t just operate in London, we have events for singles all over the UK, in cities which are becoming very popular; Newcastle, Bristol, Manchester, Brighton and in twenty two other cities to be exact. So no need to worry, you will not be missing out if you live in any of these cities as there will be a chance to meet like minded singles just down the road! We also make sure that we cater to all ages, offering events for different age ranges, including 24-38, 36-55 and 55-67. Here at SpeedDater, we also accomodate to those people who prefer to step out of the box and into a more niche style of event. We run singles parties, speed duetting, wine tasting, elite events and many more. Perhaps you want to try something new or you want to meet someone in a more active way, our activity events and parties can provide you with that. There really is something to suit everyone at SpeedDater events. So hopefully you won’t be wondering ‘how does speed dating work?’ anymore. Our speed dating events are held in a variety of stylish bars across the UK and we are often complimented on our choice of venue, especially our London party locations. We always have exclusive use of a private section of the venue, so you are able to mingle peacefully! Sometimes, people feel nervous to attend a speed dating event because it is face to face instead of through an app. However, we believe that speed dating is way more successful than meeting someone on a dating app with over 80% of our guests getting at least one match at each event. Here are some other reasons that speed dating is more beneficial than dating online: - Internet dating can become very overwhelming and many people who you may actually like in person can be discounted because of overly pickiness. - You HAVE to speak to everyone at speed dating events which is not the case on apps. You can pick and choose who you talk to even if you match them. And most importantly!: - Meeting people face to face can spark instant chemistry and connection that you can’t really find just from someone’s photo!  Surely after our very clear speed dating definition, you will be feeling like meeting new people and having a night with us at SpeedDater. How to Choose a Speed Dating Event? SpeedDater has a variety of events including regular speed dating, parties, wine tasting, speed duetting and many more. We understand that choosing what event to go to is a difficult decision, but here are some tips that may make the decision a little bit easier: 1. Before anything, think about your preferences for meeting someone and the kind of event you could see this happening at. For example, a lot of people like our parties because it creates a normal night out atmosphere...however everyone in the room is in the same boat and looking for that special someone. 2. Research! Check out our website for our different styles of events and read the description carefully so you know exactly what each event is about. This will definitely help you when deciding. 3. Think outside the box, try something new… maybe just push yourself and go wine tasting or speed duetting, even if you’ve never done it before. Even though you may be nervous, the fact that you have decided to do something you’ve perhaps never done before will look great and you’ll be feeling great afterwards! 4. It may become your new hobby...if you decide to choose an activity event, you may enjoy it so much that you want to book again! You would learn so much about how speed dating events work if you try it all out! At the speed dating eventWhen you arrive, our lovely host will welcome you and sign you in. Your badge will match a table in the room and usually the ladies stay seated while the men rotate about every 3-4 mins. You will have a card to mark down if you are interested in the people you meet. Think of the dates as mini introductions. It’s the perfect amount of time to leave you wanting more, or if you’re not hitting it off then onto the next! There’s plenty of opportunity to sip drinks, chat and flirt the night away. After the speed dating event Simply log in with your username and password and click the 'matches' tab. Once you have entered your ticks you will see if you match with anyone. Remember it's FREE to send/read messages to/from all the guests you have met at the event through our secure website. All our events are guaranteed! If you don't meet at least one person you'd like to see again your next event is FREE! What have you got to lose? Who goes speed dating?Single and fabulous people just like you. Our database is brimming with “busy professionals” and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by who you meet. Remember that everyone is there for the same reason – to meet new people, expand their social circles and maybe even meet someone special. Many people find themselves in the situation where lots of their friends are already hooked up, their workplace isn’t an ideal dating environment, and they aren’t interested in drunken fumblings in clubs. Speed dating offers the perfect relaxed and pressure free solution for how to meet new people who are on the same page. We run events for all ages, plus a variety of niche events like graduate professionals, international, elite, wine tasting, walks and more. There really is something to suit everyone. Where are dating events held?SpeedDater chooses popular and stylish bars with central locations. We are often complimented on our choice of venues – being the largest singles company we get the first choice on the best bars. We always have exclusive use of private rooms so you can flirt in privacy.